CRD Brisbane

Friday, January 27, 2012


Todd's pool

Ella's pool (soon to be)
I should possibly post to this a little more and even offer - wait for it - a few images of Brisbane. However, I currently spend most of the day in my office and these images represent my only current respite. The pool is great as is the gym; despite the current 'BIG WET' (that is what it is called ~ really). We got over 200mm of rain the other day. Yikes. I was kind of hoping that I had left the rain behind. I hear it gets sunny.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Phascolarctos cinereus

These things are so cool looking

Their range seems pretty similar to settlement patterns
So I was surfing on wikipedia "As with most native Australian animals, the koala cannot legally be kept as a pet in Australia or anywhere else. The only people who are permitted to keep koalas are wildlife carers and, occasionally, research scientists." I wonder if social science counts for research?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

First Day in Brisbane

Hi. Managed to get here will only a few hitches - not bad for 8 thousand km - and now sit in my cosy little apt on the Griffith Campus (i.e., see pictures below). I have two rooms so there is a place for people to crash and a flat screen TV to watch Auzi Rules Football.